stdClassprototypeobject results => publicarray(10 items) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public'70c8a4ddc5ff62830cb4955d939b122c' (32 chars) document => publicstdClassprototypeobject name => public'projects/658676671578/locations/global/collections/default_collection/dataSt ores/toto-website-suche-fr_1739350130081/branches/0/documents/70c8a4ddc5ff62 830cb4955d939b122c' (170 chars) id => public'70c8a4ddc5ff62830cb4955d939b122c' (32 chars) derivedStructData => publicstdClassprototypeobject title => public'Le NEOREST® Original | TOTO Europe' (35 chars) htmlTitle => public'Le NEOREST® Original | TOTO Europe' (35 chars) displayLink => public'' (11 chars) link => public'' (39 chars) snippets => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject snippet => public'Les <b>NEOREST</b>® font partie des produits phares de TOTO, dans lesquels toutes les technologies d'hygiène et de confort WASHLET® bien connues de la dernière ...' (176 chars) snippet_status => public'SUCCESS' (7 chars) image => public'' (0 chars) 1 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public'7e0ad75d0c8d58c0dcaa89e2cdae0489' (32 chars) document => publicstdClassprototypeobject name => public'projects/658676671578/locations/global/collections/default_collection/dataSt ores/toto-website-suche-fr_1739350130081/branches/0/documents/7e0ad75d0c8d58 c0dcaa89e2cdae0489' (170 chars) id => public'7e0ad75d0c8d58c0dcaa89e2cdae0489' (32 chars) derivedStructData => publicstdClassprototypeobject displayLink => public'' (11 chars) link => public'' (51 chars) htmlTitle => public'Le NEOREST® Original | TOTO Europe' (35 chars) title => public'Le NEOREST® Original | TOTO Europe' (35 chars) snippets => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject snippet => public'Particularités du <b>NEOREST</b>® WX2: Propriétés autonettoyantes grâce à ACTILIGHT; EWATER+ pour le nettoyage de la douchette et du WC après l&# 39;utilisation ...' (175 chars) snippet_status => public'SUCCESS' (7 chars) image => publicTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (5 items) 000000000a34874900000000279d1057 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=24438, pid=51) uidLocal => protected31460 (integer) configurationManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\ConfigurationManagersingletonobject objectManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Object\ObjectManagersingletonobjectfiltered concreteConfigurationManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\FrontendConfigurationManagersingletonobjectmax depth environmentService => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Service\EnvironmentServicesingletonobjectmax depth originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected24438 (integer) _localizedUid => protected24476 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected2 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected24438 (integer)modified pid => protected51 (integer) 000000000a34874d00000000279d1057 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=24439, pid=51) uidLocal => protected31461 (integer) configurationManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\ConfigurationManagersingletonobjectsee above originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected24439 (integer) _localizedUid => protected24477 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected2 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected24439 (integer)modified pid => protected51 (integer) 000000000a34875200000000279d1057 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=24440, pid=51) uidLocal => protected31462 (integer) configurationManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\ConfigurationManagersingletonobjectsee above originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected24440 (integer) _localizedUid => protected24478 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected2 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected24440 (integer)modified pid => protected51 (integer) 000000000a34875300000000279d1057 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=24441, pid=51) uidLocal => protected31456 (integer) configurationManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\ConfigurationManagersingletonobjectsee above originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected24441 (integer) _localizedUid => protected24479 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected2 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected24441 (integer)modified pid => protected51 (integer) 000000000a3488b500000000279d1057 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=24442, pid=51) uidLocal => protected31457 (integer) configurationManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\ConfigurationManagersingletonobjectsee above originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected24442 (integer) _localizedUid => protected24480 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected2 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected24442 (integer)modified pid => protected51 (integer) 2 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public'52ef88ebdef5ee2d896a96e5a6f953da' (32 chars) document => publicstdClassprototypeobject name => public'projects/658676671578/locations/global/collections/default_collection/dataSt ores/toto-website-suche-fr_1739350130081/branches/0/documents/52ef88ebdef5ee 2d896a96e5a6f953da' (170 chars) id => public'52ef88ebdef5ee2d896a96e5a6f953da' (32 chars) derivedStructData => publicstdClassprototypeobject title => public'Le NEOREST® Original | TOTO Europe' (35 chars) htmlTitle => public'Le NEOREST® Original | TOTO Europe' (35 chars) snippets => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject snippet_status => public'SUCCESS' (7 chars) snippet => public'Le WC-douche japonais de la série <b>NEOREST</b> est particulièrement hygi énique : il empêche le dépôt de saleté et de calcaire et combat les deu x activement.' (165 chars) displayLink => public'' (11 chars) link => public'' (49 chars) image => publicTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 000000000a34881d00000000279d1057 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=22951, pid=51) uidLocal => protected30128 (integer) configurationManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\ConfigurationManagersingletonobjectsee above originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected22951 (integer) _localizedUid => protected22953 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected2 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected22951 (integer)modified pid => protected51 (integer) 3 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public'9f8d1b961fa67efd1e07c3c01effad53' (32 chars) document => publicstdClassprototypeobject name => public'projects/658676671578/locations/global/collections/default_collection/dataSt ores/toto-website-suche-fr_1739350130081/branches/0/documents/9f8d1b961fa67e fd1e07c3c01effad53' (170 chars) id => public'9f8d1b961fa67efd1e07c3c01effad53' (32 chars) derivedStructData => publicstdClassprototypeobject htmlTitle => public'Le NEOREST® Original | TOTO Europe' (35 chars) snippets => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject snippet_status => public'SUCCESS' (7 chars) snippet => public'Le WC-douche de la série <b>NEOREST</b> présente la caractéristique d' ;une fonction e-Water à effet antibactérien - pour plus d'hygiène. Pl us d'informations !' (175 chars) link => public'' (49 chars) title => public'Le NEOREST® Original | TOTO Europe' (35 chars) displayLink => public'' (11 chars) image => publicTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 000000000a34881b00000000279d1057 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=22959, pid=51) uidLocal => protected30127 (integer) configurationManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\ConfigurationManagersingletonobjectsee above originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected22959 (integer) _localizedUid => protected22961 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected2 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected22959 (integer)modified pid => protected51 (integer) 4 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public'b20e2d36cfabb10ab627afd8e7c53de5' (32 chars) document => publicstdClassprototypeobject name => public'projects/658676671578/locations/global/collections/default_collection/dataSt ores/toto-website-suche-fr_1739350130081/branches/0/documents/b20e2d36cfabb1 0ab627afd8e7c53de5' (170 chars) id => public'b20e2d36cfabb10ab627afd8e7c53de5' (32 chars) derivedStructData => publicstdClassprototypeobject title => public'Le NEOREST® Original | TOTO Europe' (35 chars) link => public'' (51 chars) snippets => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject snippet_status => public'SUCCESS' (7 chars) snippet => public'Particularités du <b>NEOREST</b>® WX1: EWATER+ pour le nettoyage de la dou chette et du WC après l'utilisation; Fonctions automatiques pour les te chnologies ...' (171 chars) htmlTitle => public'Le NEOREST® Original | TOTO Europe' (35 chars) displayLink => public'' (11 chars) image => publicTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (5 items) 000000000a34874b00000000279d1057 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=24350, pid=51) uidLocal => protected31434 (integer) configurationManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\ConfigurationManagersingletonobjectsee above originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected24350 (integer) _localizedUid => protected24375 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected2 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected24350 (integer)modified pid => protected51 (integer) 000000000a34874400000000279d1057 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=24353, pid=51) uidLocal => protected31437 (integer) configurationManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\ConfigurationManagersingletonobjectsee above originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected24353 (integer) _localizedUid => protected24376 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected2 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected24353 (integer)modified pid => protected51 (integer) 000000000a34874600000000279d1057 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=24354, pid=51) uidLocal => protected31438 (integer) configurationManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\ConfigurationManagersingletonobjectsee above originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected24354 (integer) _localizedUid => protected24377 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected2 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected24354 (integer)modified pid => protected51 (integer) 000000000a34882f00000000279d1057 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=24430, pid=51) uidLocal => protected31458 (integer) configurationManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\ConfigurationManagersingletonobjectsee above originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected24430 (integer) _localizedUid => protected24434 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected2 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected24430 (integer)modified pid => protected51 (integer) 000000000a34870b00000000279d1057 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=24431, pid=51) uidLocal => protected31459 (integer) configurationManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\ConfigurationManagersingletonobjectsee above originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected24431 (integer) _localizedUid => protected24435 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected2 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected24431 (integer)modified pid => protected51 (integer) 5 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public'6a25a6bfca915e89653af52503b4e8ed' (32 chars) document => publicstdClassprototypeobject name => public'projects/658676671578/locations/global/collections/default_collection/dataSt ores/toto-website-suche-fr_1739350130081/branches/0/documents/6a25a6bfca915e 89653af52503b4e8ed' (170 chars) id => public'6a25a6bfca915e89653af52503b4e8ed' (32 chars) derivedStructData => publicstdClassprototypeobject htmlTitle => public'Le WASHLET® original| TOTO Europe' (34 chars) displayLink => public'' (11 chars) title => public'Le WASHLET® original| TOTO Europe' (34 chars) link => public'' (49 chars) snippets => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject snippet => public'Le WC-douche japonais de la série <b>NEOREST</b> est particulièrement hygi énique : il empêche le dépôt de saleté et de calcaire et combat les deu x activement.' (165 chars) snippet_status => public'SUCCESS' (7 chars) image => publicTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 000000000a34881d00000000279d1057 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=22951, pid=51) 6 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public'b9b2ba8f5a93afb0d66aa6632b7d3806' (32 chars) document => publicstdClassprototypeobject name => public'projects/658676671578/locations/global/collections/default_collection/dataSt ores/toto-website-suche-fr_1739350130081/branches/0/documents/b9b2ba8f5a93af b0d66aa6632b7d3806' (170 chars) id => public'b9b2ba8f5a93afb0d66aa6632b7d3806' (32 chars) derivedStructData => publicstdClassprototypeobject snippets => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject snippet_status => public'SUCCESS' (7 chars) snippet => public'Particularités du <b>NEOREST</b>® WX2: Propriétés autonettoyantes grâce à ACTILIGHT; EWATER+ pour le nettoyage de la douchette et du WC après l&# 39;utilisation ...' (175 chars) link => public'' (67 chars) htmlTitle => public'NEOREST® WX2, TCF95280GEU | TOTO Europe' (40 chars) displayLink => public'' (11 chars) title => public'NEOREST® WX2, TCF95280GEU | TOTO Europe' (40 chars) image => publicTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (5 items) 000000000a34874900000000279d1057 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=24438, pid=51) 000000000a34874d00000000279d1057 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=24439, pid=51) 000000000a34875200000000279d1057 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=24440, pid=51) 000000000a34875300000000279d1057 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=24441, pid=51) 000000000a3488b500000000279d1057 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=24442, pid=51) 7 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public'985abeceeb0f1736c495e897229fb1bc' (32 chars) document => publicstdClassprototypeobject name => public'projects/658676671578/locations/global/collections/default_collection/dataSt ores/toto-website-suche-fr_1739350130081/branches/0/documents/985abeceeb0f17 36c495e897229fb1bc' (170 chars) id => public'985abeceeb0f1736c495e897229fb1bc' (32 chars) derivedStructData => publicstdClassprototypeobject htmlTitle => public'Le NEOREST® Original | TOTO Europe' (35 chars) title => public'Le NEOREST® Original | TOTO Europe' (35 chars) snippets => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject snippet => public'... <b>NEOREST</b>-WX broschuere title page. Découvrez-en plus sur le. <b>N EOREST</b>® WX dans notre brochure. csm_3zu2_Crossteaser_1200_Schloss_Elmau _7b8035fa9d Tester un ...' (182 chars) snippet_status => public'SUCCESS' (7 chars) displayLink => public'' (11 chars) link => public'' (48 chars) image => publicTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 000000000a34873b00000000279d1057 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=29071, pid=596) uidLocal => protected31492 (integer) configurationManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\ConfigurationManagersingletonobjectsee above originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected29071 (integer) _localizedUid => protected29095 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected2 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected29071 (integer)modified pid => protected596 (integer) 8 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public'ffacd92006edc722059733f5ed3e83cd' (32 chars) document => publicstdClassprototypeobject name => public'projects/658676671578/locations/global/collections/default_collection/dataSt ores/toto-website-suche-fr_1739350130081/branches/0/documents/ffacd92006edc7 22059733f5ed3e83cd' (170 chars) id => public'ffacd92006edc722059733f5ed3e83cd' (32 chars) derivedStructData => publicstdClassprototypeobject displayLink => public'' (11 chars) link => public'' (67 chars) title => public'NEOREST® WX1, TCF95180GEU | TOTO Europe' (40 chars) htmlTitle => public'NEOREST® WX1, TCF95180GEU | TOTO Europe' (40 chars) snippets => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject snippet => public'Particularités du <b>NEOREST</b>® WX1: EWATER+ pour le nettoyage de la dou chette et du WC après l'utilisation; Fonctions automatiques pour les te chnologies ...' (171 chars) snippet_status => public'SUCCESS' (7 chars) image => publicTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (5 items) 000000000a34874b00000000279d1057 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=24350, pid=51) 000000000a34874400000000279d1057 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=24353, pid=51) 000000000a34874600000000279d1057 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=24354, pid=51) 000000000a34882f00000000279d1057 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=24430, pid=51) 000000000a34870b00000000279d1057 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=24431, pid=51) 9 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public'cc46cc956f231b857a7e8b68780ce523' (32 chars) document => publicstdClassprototypeobject name => public'projects/658676671578/locations/global/collections/default_collection/dataSt ores/toto-website-suche-fr_1739350130081/branches/0/documents/cc46cc956f231b 857a7e8b68780ce523' (170 chars) id => public'cc46cc956f231b857a7e8b68780ce523' (32 chars) derivedStructData => publicstdClassprototypeobject title => public'NEOREST® WASHLET® AC 2.0, TCF996RWG (discontinued) | TOTO Europe' (66 chars) snippets => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject snippet_status => public'SUCCESS' (7 chars) snippet => public'Le WC-douche japonais de la série <b>NEOREST</b> est particulièrement hygi énique : il empêche le dépôt de saleté et de calcaire et combat les deu x activement.' (165 chars) htmlTitle => public'NEOREST® WASHLET® AC 2.0, TCF996RWG (discontinued) | TOTO Europe' (66 chars) displayLink => public'' (11 chars) link => public'' (65 chars) image => publicTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 000000000a34881d00000000279d1057 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=22951, pid=51) totalSize => public787 (integer) attributionToken => public'0gL0UQEKCwjy25y_BhD2-s19EiQ2N2ZhNThhZi0wMDAwLTIyMjAtOGEwMS01ODI0MjliZDc4ZTgi B0dFTkVSSUMqdJD3sjDUsp0VgZX3MPXZ7TDFy_MX1L_iMNiptzDvweMwm9a3LfTN_TCOvp0VwvCe FZvY0zD-lPcw25iGMdLIiDHPv-Iw1am3MLe3jC3sweMw8c39MM_IiDGjgJcilZLFMI6RyTCY1rct 2JiGMZ7Y0zDy2e0wMAFKEjB4OGE0NzBhYzQ1MTEyYTdkNVKHAXByb2plY3RzLzY1ODY3NjY3MTU3 OC9sb2NhdGlvbnMvZ2xvYmFsL2NvbGxlY3Rpb25zL2RlZmF1bHRfY29sbGVjdGlvbi9lbmdpbmVz L3RvdG8td2Vic2l0ZS1zdWNoZS1mcl8xNzM5MzUwMDc4ODc0L3NlcnZpbmdDb25maWdzL3NlYXJj aA' (458 chars) nextPageToken => public'gTZ4cDZiljM0IDO10SMwEGOtAjMyITLwADMw0SZhhTNhZ2N2QiGBccw46JEG8LrELPCMIBMxIgC' (75 chars) guidedSearchResult => publicstdClassprototypeobject summary => publicstdClassprototypeobject queryExpansionInfo => publicstdClassprototypeobject
stdClassprototypeobject results => publicarray(10 items) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public'5e3aca81247f237c23740972f1ded4cc' (32 chars) document => publicstdClassprototypeobject name => public'projects/658676671578/locations/global/collections/default_collection/dataSt ores/toto-website-suche-fr_1739350130081/branches/0/documents/5e3aca81247f23 7c23740972f1ded4cc' (170 chars) id => public'5e3aca81247f237c23740972f1ded4cc' (32 chars) derivedStructData => publicstdClassprototypeobject link => public'' (44 chars) snippets => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject snippet_status => public'SUCCESS' (7 chars) snippet => public'Avec ACTILIGHT, l'hygiène WC du modèle <b>NEOREST</b>® WX2 et atteint une toute nouvelle dimension. Combinée au rayonnement ultraviolet et à un revêtement en ...' (176 chars) displayLink => public'' (11 chars) title => public'ACTILIGHT | TOTO Europe' (23 chars) htmlTitle => public'ACTILIGHT | TOTO Europe' (23 chars) image => public'' (0 chars) 1 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public'f2304fa51aad2c9c9813070ab58d1311' (32 chars) document => publicstdClassprototypeobject name => public'projects/658676671578/locations/global/collections/default_collection/dataSt ores/toto-website-suche-fr_1739350130081/branches/0/documents/f2304fa51aad2c 9c9813070ab58d1311' (170 chars) id => public'f2304fa51aad2c9c9813070ab58d1311' (32 chars) derivedStructData => publicstdClassprototypeobject snippets => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject snippet => public'... <b>NEOREST</b>® · Robinets · Bidets · WASHLET® &m iddot; Baignoires · Urinoirs · WC sans rebord · Séche- mains · Lavabos · Showroom · Inspiration · Techn ologie · Technologie.' (256 chars) snippet_status => public'SUCCESS' (7 chars) displayLink => public'' (11 chars) link => public'' (53 chars) title => public'Design sans rebord | TOTO Europe' (32 chars) htmlTitle => public'Design sans rebord | TOTO Europe' (32 chars) image => public'' (0 chars) 2 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public'96f3242c1f526bafb59deb9712ccfffe' (32 chars) document => publicstdClassprototypeobject name => public'projects/658676671578/locations/global/collections/default_collection/dataSt ores/toto-website-suche-fr_1739350130081/branches/0/documents/96f3242c1f526b afb59deb9712ccfffe' (170 chars) id => public'96f3242c1f526bafb59deb9712ccfffe' (32 chars) derivedStructData => publicstdClassprototypeobject displayLink => public'' (11 chars) snippets => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject snippet_status => public'SUCCESS' (7 chars) snippet => public'... <b>NEOREST</b>® · Robinets · Bidets · WASHLET® &m iddot; Baignoires · Urinoirs · WC sans rebord · Séche- mains · Lavabos · Showroom · Inspiration · Techn ologie · Technologie.' (256 chars) link => public'' (42 chars) htmlTitle => public'PREMIST | TOTO Europe' (21 chars) title => public'PREMIST | TOTO Europe' (21 chars) image => public'' (0 chars) 3 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public'47d769db900a01d2e11c9a14b0559c4c' (32 chars) document => publicstdClassprototypeobject name => public'projects/658676671578/locations/global/collections/default_collection/dataSt ores/toto-website-suche-fr_1739350130081/branches/0/documents/47d769db900a01 d2e11c9a14b0559c4c' (170 chars) id => public'47d769db900a01d2e11c9a14b0559c4c' (32 chars) derivedStructData => publicstdClassprototypeobject displayLink => public'' (11 chars) title => public'Séchoirs | TOTO Europe' (23 chars) link => public'' (42 chars) snippets => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject snippet_status => public'SUCCESS' (7 chars) snippet => public'... <b>NEOREST</b>® · Robinets · Bidets · WASHLET® &m iddot; Baignoires · Urinoirs · WC sans rebord · Séche- mains · Lavabos · Showroom · Inspiration · Techn ologie · Technologie.' (256 chars) htmlTitle => public'Séchoirs | TOTO Europe' (23 chars) image => public'' (0 chars) 4 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public'd9e2a09396373fd37bcd7c0567c41a8a' (32 chars) document => publicstdClassprototypeobject name => public'projects/658676671578/locations/global/collections/default_collection/dataSt ores/toto-website-suche-fr_1739350130081/branches/0/documents/d9e2a09396373f d37bcd7c0567c41a8a' (170 chars) id => public'd9e2a09396373fd37bcd7c0567c41a8a' (32 chars) derivedStructData => publicstdClassprototypeobject displayLink => public'' (11 chars) title => public'HYDROHANDS | TOTO Europe' (24 chars) htmlTitle => public'HYDROHANDS | TOTO Europe' (24 chars) link => public'' (45 chars) snippets => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject snippet_status => public'SUCCESS' (7 chars) snippet => public'<b>NEOREST</b>® · Robinets · Bidets · WASHLET® &middo t; Baignoires · Urinoirs · WC sans rebord · Séche-main s · Lavabos · Showroom · Inspiration · Technolog ie · Technologie.' (252 chars) image => public'' (0 chars) 5 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public'3c5aca4614de451f99266e624ec1a97e' (32 chars) document => publicstdClassprototypeobject name => public'projects/658676671578/locations/global/collections/default_collection/dataSt ores/toto-website-suche-fr_1739350130081/branches/0/documents/3c5aca4614de45 1f99266e624ec1a97e' (170 chars) id => public'3c5aca4614de451f99266e624ec1a97e' (32 chars) derivedStructData => publicstdClassprototypeobject title => public'COMFORT WAVE | TOTO Europe' (26 chars) displayLink => public'' (11 chars) link => public'' (48 chars) htmlTitle => public'COMFORT WAVE | TOTO Europe' (26 chars) snippets => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject snippet_status => public'SUCCESS' (7 chars) snippet => public'... <b>NEOREST</b>® · Robinets · Bidets · WASHLET® &m iddot; Baignoires · Urinoirs · WC sans rebord · Séche- mains · Lavabos · Showroom · Inspiration · Techn ologie · Technologie.' (256 chars) image => public'' (0 chars) 6 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public'd2e97e7921109e169791b120899fa95b' (32 chars) document => publicstdClassprototypeobject name => public'projects/658676671578/locations/global/collections/default_collection/dataSt ores/toto-website-suche-fr_1739350130081/branches/0/documents/d2e97e7921109e 169791b120899fa95b' (170 chars) id => public'd2e97e7921109e169791b120899fa95b' (32 chars) derivedStructData => publicstdClassprototypeobject title => public'RECLINE COMFORT | TOTO Europe' (29 chars) snippets => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject snippet => public'... <b>NEOREST</b>® · Robinets · Bidets · WASHLET® &m iddot; Baignoires · Urinoirs · WC sans rebord · Séche- mains · Lavabos · Showroom · Inspiration · Techn ologie · Technologie.' (256 chars) snippet_status => public'SUCCESS' (7 chars) htmlTitle => public'RECLINE COMFORT | TOTO Europe' (29 chars) displayLink => public'' (11 chars) link => public'' (50 chars) image => public'' (0 chars) 7 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public'403aa0b857c129434fbc3bf90b7190c7' (32 chars) document => publicstdClassprototypeobject name => public'projects/658676671578/locations/global/collections/default_collection/dataSt ores/toto-website-suche-fr_1739350130081/branches/0/documents/403aa0b857c129 434fbc3bf90b7190c7' (170 chars) id => public'403aa0b857c129434fbc3bf90b7190c7' (32 chars) derivedStructData => publicstdClassprototypeobject displayLink => public'' (11 chars) title => public'SOFT FLOW | TOTO Europe' (23 chars) htmlTitle => public'SOFT FLOW | TOTO Europe' (23 chars) link => public'' (44 chars) snippets => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject snippet => public'... <b>NEOREST</b>® · Robinets · Bidets · WASHLET® &m iddot; Baignoires · Urinoirs · WC sans rebord · Séche- mains · Lavabos · Showroom · Inspiration · Techn ologie · Technologie.' (256 chars) snippet_status => public'SUCCESS' (7 chars) image => public'' (0 chars) 8 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public'e6dd8198084b6df632897fc569ef9778' (32 chars) document => publicstdClassprototypeobject name => public'projects/658676671578/locations/global/collections/default_collection/dataSt ores/toto-website-suche-fr_1739350130081/branches/0/documents/e6dd8198084b6d f632897fc569ef9778' (170 chars) id => public'e6dd8198084b6df632897fc569ef9778' (32 chars) derivedStructData => publicstdClassprototypeobject snippets => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject snippet => public'... <b>NEOREST</b>® · Robinets · Bidets · WASHLET® &m iddot; Baignoires · Urinoirs · WC sans rebord · Séche- mains · Lavabos · Showroom · Inspiration · Techn ologie · Technologie.' (256 chars) snippet_status => public'SUCCESS' (7 chars) title => public'FONCTIONS AUTOMATIQUES | TOTO Europe' (36 chars) link => public'' (57 chars) htmlTitle => public'FONCTIONS AUTOMATIQUES | TOTO Europe' (36 chars) displayLink => public'' (11 chars) image => public'' (0 chars) 9 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public'616b56d7d066a9cb809ecc1ece85852b' (32 chars) document => publicstdClassprototypeobject name => public'projects/658676671578/locations/global/collections/default_collection/dataSt ores/toto-website-suche-fr_1739350130081/branches/0/documents/616b56d7d066a9 cb809ecc1ece85852b' (170 chars) id => public'616b56d7d066a9cb809ecc1ece85852b' (32 chars) derivedStructData => publicstdClassprototypeobject htmlTitle => public'LINEARCERAM | TOTO Europe' (25 chars) displayLink => public'' (11 chars) snippets => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject snippet_status => public'SUCCESS' (7 chars) snippet => public'<b>NEOREST</b>® · Robinets · Bidets · WASHLET® &middo t; Baignoires · Urinoirs · WC sans rebord · Séche-main s · Lavabos · Showroom · Inspiration · Technolog ie · Technologie.' (252 chars) title => public'LINEARCERAM | TOTO Europe' (25 chars) link => public'' (46 chars) image => public'' (0 chars) totalSize => public21 (integer) attributionToken => public'0wL0UgEKDAjy25y_BhCm1LWJAxIkNjdmZDFhMjgtMDAwMC0yZTE0LTljNzgtNTgyNDI5YmZmYTY0 IgdHRU5FUklDKnTUv-IwwvCeFbW3jC3Yqbcw78HjMPLZ7TCOvp0VkPeyMIGV9zD0zf0w2JiGMcXL 8xfUsp0VntjTMKOAlyKb1rct0siIMZvY0zD-lPcwjpHJMOzB4zDVqbcw8c39MJWSxTDbmIYx9dnt MJjWty3Pv-Iwz8iIMTABShIweDU4N2Q2ZWZlZDc0ZjZiNDJShwFwcm9qZWN0cy82NTg2NzY2NzE1 NzgvbG9jYXRpb25zL2dsb2JhbC9jb2xsZWN0aW9ucy9kZWZhdWx0X2NvbGxlY3Rpb24vZW5naW5l cy90b3RvLXdlYnNpdGUtc3VjaGUtZnJfMTczOTM1MDA3ODg3NC9zZXJ2aW5nQ29uZmlncy9zZWFy Y2g' (459 chars) nextPageToken => public'QjNhZmZiljM0IDO10CO3MWOtQTMlJTLwADMw0yNyEWMkZ2N2QiGDsqlL6IEG8LrELPCMIBMxIgC' (75 chars) guidedSearchResult => publicstdClassprototypeobject summary => publicstdClassprototypeobject queryExpansionInfo => publicstdClassprototypeobject
stdClassprototypeobject results => publicarray(10 items) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public'34a107ed8fd6f3976e5bb912d3aa07e9' (32 chars) document => publicstdClassprototypeobject name => public'projects/658676671578/locations/global/collections/default_collection/dataSt ores/toto-website-suche-fr_1739350130081/branches/0/documents/34a107ed8fd6f3 976e5bb912d3aa07e9' (170 chars) id => public'34a107ed8fd6f3976e5bb912d3aa07e9' (32 chars) derivedStructData => publicstdClassprototypeobject htmlTitle => public'Prix Design Plus pour les toilettes de la NEOREST Series/LE' (59 chars) link => public' e/19' (80 chars) title => public'Prix Design Plus pour les toilettes de la NEOREST Series/LE' (59 chars) displayLink => public'' (11 chars) snippets => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject snippet => public'Les toilettes <b>Neorest</b> sont les plus sophistiquées de la gamme TOTO e t nous sommes convaincus qu'elles séduiront les nouveaux utilisateurs. Nous continuerons à ...' (181 chars) snippet_status => public'SUCCESS' (7 chars) image => public'' (0 chars) 1 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public'facf21f1637b19921a4af776e70c3c72' (32 chars) document => publicstdClassprototypeobject name => public'projects/658676671578/locations/global/collections/default_collection/dataSt ores/toto-website-suche-fr_1739350130081/branches/0/documents/facf21f1637b19 921a4af776e70c3c72' (170 chars) id => public'facf21f1637b19921a4af776e70c3c72' (32 chars) derivedStructData => publicstdClassprototypeobject displayLink => public'' (11 chars) snippets => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject snippet => public'... <b>NEOREST</b> Series/LE Toilet and the <b>NEOREST</b> Series/LE Washbas in. TOTO will formally receive the award at a ceremony on 29 June, 2009, at the Aalto-Theater ...' (178 chars) snippet_status => public'SUCCESS' (7 chars) htmlTitle => public'TOTO Wins Red Dot Design Awards for NEOREST Series/LE Products' (62 chars) link => public' e/17' (80 chars) datePublished => public1.2373596E+15 (double) title => public'TOTO Wins Red Dot Design Awards for NEOREST Series/LE Products' (62 chars) image => public'' (0 chars) 2 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public'02b4ab9836bfc70655b72a2ebb2694d0' (32 chars) document => publicstdClassprototypeobject name => public'projects/658676671578/locations/global/collections/default_collection/dataSt ores/toto-website-suche-fr_1739350130081/branches/0/documents/02b4ab9836bfc7 0655b72a2ebb2694d0' (170 chars) id => public'02b4ab9836bfc70655b72a2ebb2694d0' (32 chars) derivedStructData => publicstdClassprototypeobject displayLink => public'' (11 chars) link => public' e/1367' (82 chars) htmlTitle => public'Communiqués de presse' (22 chars) snippets => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject snippet_status => public'SUCCESS' (7 chars) snippet => public'Parmi les 12 thématiques abordées, les lieux de commodités ont une place centrale. C'est ainsi que le dernier WC lavant haut de gamme <b>NEOREST< /b> WX signé TOTO se ...' (182 chars) title => public'Communiqués de presse' (22 chars) image => public'' (0 chars) 3 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public'9b4e6f4af921022bc4e1dc98cdc64ab9' (32 chars) document => publicstdClassprototypeobject name => public'projects/658676671578/locations/global/collections/default_collection/dataSt ores/toto-website-suche-fr_1739350130081/branches/0/documents/9b4e6f4af92102 2bc4e1dc98cdc64ab9' (170 chars) id => public'9b4e6f4af921022bc4e1dc98cdc64ab9' (32 chars) derivedStructData => publicstdClassprototypeobject htmlTitle => public'TOTO a ISH 2015 : La nouvelle esthetique de la serie NEOREST' (60 chars) displayLink => public'' (11 chars) title => public'TOTO a ISH 2015 : La nouvelle esthetique de la serie NEOREST' (60 chars) snippets => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject snippet_status => public'SUCCESS' (7 chars) snippet => public'La collection <b>NEOREST</b> est la parfaite symbiose entre high-tech et des ign épuré et Hygiène et bien-être. Elle se complète maintenant d'un e baignoire îlot.' (170 chars) link => public' e/493' (81 chars) image => public'' (0 chars) 4 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public'bad43e208837ae663fc0bc0a3d4624a0' (32 chars) document => publicstdClassprototypeobject name => public'projects/658676671578/locations/global/collections/default_collection/dataSt ores/toto-website-suche-fr_1739350130081/branches/0/documents/bad43e208837ae 663fc0bc0a3d4624a0' (170 chars) id => public'bad43e208837ae663fc0bc0a3d4624a0' (32 chars) derivedStructData => publicstdClassprototypeobject displayLink => public'' (11 chars) htmlTitle => public'Confort | TOTO Europe' (21 chars) snippets => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject snippet => public'Nos modèles de WASHLET® et <b>NEOREST</b>® sont équipés d'un chauff e-eau instantané pour disposer d'eau chaude de manière illimitée. TÉ LÉCOMMANDE. Une main tient la ...' (191 chars) snippet_status => public'SUCCESS' (7 chars) link => public'' (38 chars) title => public'Confort | TOTO Europe' (21 chars) image => public'' (0 chars) 5 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public'9161c3e973d0ba4dcf329009c04aa5d2' (32 chars) document => publicstdClassprototypeobject name => public'projects/658676671578/locations/global/collections/default_collection/dataSt ores/toto-website-suche-fr_1739350130081/branches/0/documents/9161c3e973d0ba 4dcf329009c04aa5d2' (170 chars) id => public'9161c3e973d0ba4dcf329009c04aa5d2' (32 chars) derivedStructData => publicstdClassprototypeobject link => public' Q3d5REhDVEJzeEdJY0FQRW9GbC1vc1MmcD0xJm49Z1ZPM25MejhwYXlfdTMyRGdQaDlfdyZ0PUFB QUFBR0hWZWlR&pp=0&cHash=71fa7fab5220e55b5c4bbedfe693622e' (208 chars) title => public'Tester un WASHLET® près de chez vous | TOTO Europe' (52 chars) displayLink => public'' (11 chars) htmlTitle => public'Tester un WASHLET® près de chez vous | TOTO Europe' (52 chars) snippets => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject snippet => public'<b>NEOREST</b>® · Robinets · Bidets · WASHLET® &middo t; Baignoires · Urinoirs · WC sans rebord · Séche-main s · Lavabos · Showroom · Inspiration · Technolog ie · Technologie.' (252 chars) snippet_status => public'SUCCESS' (7 chars) image => public'' (0 chars) 6 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public'5537b4a147754cf485211018a864b18c' (32 chars) document => publicstdClassprototypeobject name => public'projects/658676671578/locations/global/collections/default_collection/dataSt ores/toto-website-suche-fr_1739350130081/branches/0/documents/5537b4a147754c f485211018a864b18c' (170 chars) id => public'5537b4a147754cf485211018a864b18c' (32 chars) derivedStructData => publicstdClassprototypeobject snippets => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject snippet => public'... <b>NEOREST</b>® · Robinets · Bidets · WASHLET® &m iddot; Baignoires · Urinoirs · WC sans rebord · Séche- mains · Lavabos · Showroom · Inspiration · Techn ologie · Technologie.' (256 chars) snippet_status => public'SUCCESS' (7 chars) displayLink => public'' (11 chars) title => public'Nos références | TOTO Europe' (30 chars) htmlTitle => public'Nos références | TOTO Europe' (30 chars) link => public'' (49 chars) image => public'' (0 chars) 7 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public'4c9ead00b3f989777f1fd15c7e79631e' (32 chars) document => publicstdClassprototypeobject name => public'projects/658676671578/locations/global/collections/default_collection/dataSt ores/toto-website-suche-fr_1739350130081/branches/0/documents/4c9ead00b3f989 777f1fd15c7e79631e' (170 chars) id => public'4c9ead00b3f989777f1fd15c7e79631e' (32 chars) derivedStructData => publicstdClassprototypeobject displayLink => public'' (11 chars) link => public' TURnZGJjeEloRV8yNWplZG9aOFYwV3EmcD0xJm49QkJRQkdGTmVzVjV6bmFhQkNHWVl6QSZ0PUFB QUFBR0g3dzdz&pp=0&cHash=80fb6f9f55d1a1563ec921bc9e94756e' (208 chars) htmlTitle => public'Tester un WASHLET® près de chez vous | TOTO Europe' (52 chars) title => public'Tester un WASHLET® près de chez vous | TOTO Europe' (52 chars) snippets => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject snippet => public'... <b>NEOREST</b>® · Robinets · Bidets · WASHLET® &m iddot; Baignoires · Urinoirs · WC sans rebord · Séche- mains · Lavabos · Showroom · Inspiration · Techn ologie · Technologie.' (256 chars) snippet_status => public'SUCCESS' (7 chars) image => public'' (0 chars) 8 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public'5ee8a64cbb70050224e5291fbfe06301' (32 chars) document => publicstdClassprototypeobject name => public'projects/658676671578/locations/global/collections/default_collection/dataSt ores/toto-website-suche-fr_1739350130081/branches/0/documents/5ee8a64cbb7005 0224e5291fbfe06301' (170 chars) id => public'5ee8a64cbb70050224e5291fbfe06301' (32 chars) derivedStructData => publicstdClassprototypeobject title => public'Tester un WASHLET® près de chez vous | TOTO Europe' (52 chars) displayLink => public'' (11 chars) htmlTitle => public'Tester un WASHLET® près de chez vous | TOTO Europe' (52 chars) snippets => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject snippet_status => public'SUCCESS' (7 chars) snippet => public'... <b>NEOREST</b>® · Robinets · Bidets · WASHLET® &m iddot; Baignoires · Urinoirs · WC sans rebord · Séche- mains · Lavabos · Showroom · Inspiration · Techn ologie · Technologie.' (256 chars) link => public'' (50 chars) image => public'' (0 chars) 9 => stdClassprototypeobject id => public'7bfe682301e47f88532ce760ad0329bb' (32 chars) document => publicstdClassprototypeobject name => public'projects/658676671578/locations/global/collections/default_collection/dataSt ores/toto-website-suche-fr_1739350130081/branches/0/documents/7bfe682301e47f 88532ce760ad0329bb' (170 chars) id => public'7bfe682301e47f88532ce760ad0329bb' (32 chars) derivedStructData => publicstdClassprototypeobject htmlTitle => public'Communiqués de presse' (22 chars) snippets => publicarray(1 item) 0 => stdClassprototypeobject snippet_status => public'SUCCESS' (7 chars) snippet => public'... <b>NEOREST</b> WX1 et le <b>NEOREST</b> WX2. Le <b>NEOREST</b> WX se dis tingue par sa présence dans l'espace due à ses dimensions généreuses , ainsi que par ses formes sobres et ...' (197 chars) title => public'Communiqués de presse' (22 chars) displayLink => public'' (11 chars) link => public' e/1239' (82 chars) image => public'' (0 chars) totalSize => public488 (integer) attributionToken => public'0gL0UQEKCwjz25y_BhCw17swEiQ2N2Y0YzRjNy0wMDAwLTJmZDItOTU0MC03NDc0NDYzZTQ0NWQi B0dFTkVSSUMqdJ7Y0zCQ97IwgZX3MNLIiDHC8J4V2JiGMfLZ7TCVksUw7MHjMPHN_TDVqbcw_pT3 MNSynRWb2NMwjpHJMJ_Wty2Ovp0Vo4CXIs-_4jDPyIgx25iGMbW3jC312e0wxsvzF5zWty3Yqbcw 9M39MO_B4zDUv-IwMAFKEjB4NmE4NzRjZTIwZjM4NzQyY1KHAXByb2plY3RzLzY1ODY3NjY3MTU3 OC9sb2NhdGlvbnMvZ2xvYmFsL2NvbGxlY3Rpb25zL2RlZmF1bHRfY29sbGVjdGlvbi9lbmdpbmVz L3RvdG8td2Vic2l0ZS1zdWNoZS1mcl8xNzM5MzUwMDc4ODc0L3NlcnZpbmdDb25maWdzL3NlYXJj aA' (458 chars) nextPageToken => public'QWN0QTZzYDN0cDN30CM0UTOtIDZmJTLwADMw0iNjRzY0Y2N2QiGCg7jcHLEG8LrEPPCMIBMxIgC' (75 chars) guidedSearchResult => publicstdClassprototypeobject summary => publicstdClassprototypeobject queryExpansionInfo => publicstdClassprototypeobject