Referenze a livello europeo

I prodotti TOTO - versatili e adatti ai più svariati impieghi - si trovano in hotel, ristoranti, negozi e in molti altri spazi pubblici Lasciatevi ispirare

Dahlem Paradise, Berlin

Exclusive living in Berlin

Le singole referenze

Luxury freehold flats
conwert Immobilien Invest SE
56 residential units, approx. 11,000 m² of living space
FEA – Fissler Ernst Architekten
Opened in
Vasca da bagno
PAY1740PWEE (scaduto)
Vaso NC, sospeso
Lavabo NC, rotondo
LW766Y (scaduto)

The architecture of Dahlem Paradise allows for spacious living and outstanding comfort. The modern buildings combine harmoniously into one cohesive ensemble. Instinctively proportioned semi-detached houses, terraced houses, flats and penthouses all co-exist in this space.


The architecture is defined for the people who live there – it is both modern and highly functional without feeling cold. The buildings include references to villas found in other countries without seeming too playful or nostalgic.


TOTO’s exclusive toilets and washbasins are the perfect complement to this architectural style. The products are developed to unite streamlined design with the highest standards of hygiene. They are the perfect choice for exclusive high-end homes.

Luxury freehold flats
Year built: 2013
Architect: FEA – Fissler Ernst Architekten
Builder: conwert Immobilien Invest SE
Space: 56 residential units, approx. 11,000 m² of living space
Products: NC toilets, washbasins, bidets and bathtubs
Item numbers: CW672Y, VC100R, LW766Y, BW762Y, PAY1740PWEE

Referenze a livello europeo

I prodotti TOTO - versatili e adatti ai più svariati impieghi - si trovano in hotel, ristoranti, negozi e in molti altri spazi pubblici Lasciatevi ispirare
8 Risultati

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Con la funzione WASHLET®-Finder potete incontrare un luogo accessibile al pubblico vicino a voi, dove provare il WASHLET®, per sperimentare e apprezzare in prima persona i vantaggi, le funzioni e il design unico nel suo genere del WASHLET®, il vaso con bidet integrato originale che viene dal Giappone.

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