That’s Life Anew
WASHLET® and me

There might be some questions that you’ve been too shy to ask – maybe on the topic of intimate cleansing or other questions about WASHLET®. Petra Sujatta has the answers.

How does WASHLET® work exactly?


Let’s get right to the point: WASHLET® uses water to clean your intimate areas after you use the toilet. At the touch of a button, a wand jet extends from the upper part of the toilet bowl and sprays clean water to wash the intimate areas. You can choose whether you want the spray to wash either the front or rear area. The wand jet is adjustable to ensure that the water hits the exact areas that need cleaning – but the default settings are already pretty spot on. Some people even describe this comfortable, soothing type of cleansing as “life-changing”.

Will WASHLET® get my entire rear wet?


No. You can adjust the wand jet to five different positions with the remote control. What does this mean exactly? You can adapt the spray of water to your personal needs. You decide where the water hits – and how. Once the wand jet is in position, it can start cleaning. And you just stay seated. The spray is so precise that it will only hit the area you selected using the remote control. You can also choose from five different water pressure (and temperature) settings. It’s also possible to switch on the integrated dryer when you’re all finished. You’ll leave the toilet feeling completely clean, dry and refreshed – with as little water as possible, but as much as needed.

"You’ll leave the toilet feeling completely clean, dry and refreshed"

Picture of the four different spray types

What do the different spray types do?


The different spray types and settings on WASHLET® perform different functions. The Comfort spray targets the anal area. Large air-filled droplets thoroughly cleanse the area for a fresh feeling. At the same time, WASHLET® uses as little water as possible.

The Soft spray uses tiny droplets of water to clean a larger area.

The Front spray is designed to clean the front of a woman’s intimate area. The large, gentle droplets are soothing, not irritating. Men also appreciate the benefits of this spray type (e.g. if they have issues with haemorrhoids or intestinal/prostate inflammation).

The additional Oscillating cleansing feature moves the wand jet in and out for especially thorough cleansing. And the Pulsating spray – that’s pretty self-explanatory.

It’s possible to set the position of the spray as well as the water pressure (five levels) for your individual needs.




A toilet roll is placed on a green blanket

What happens if it’s not completely clean after the first try?


If you’re not sure if the spray took care of everything on its own (note – it usually does), you can use toilet paper to check and see. If there’s anything left behind, simply activate the spray and rinse once again. For more thorough cleansing, you may want to try changing the water pressure, the wand jet position and/or the spray type. For example, the Soft spray covers a larger area than the “standard” Comfort spray. There’s always an opportunity to get completely clean depending on your needs.

Can I still use WASHLET® if I’m not very mobile due to physical limitations?


In most cases, yes! WASHLET® is especially ideal as you can thoroughly cleanse and dry the intimate area after using the toilet by simply using the remote control. You can activate and adjust every feature with the touch of a button: the type of spray, position and water pressure, massage and oscillating functions, and the dryer. WASHLET® can help you continue to use the toilet independently, even with physical limitations.

Picture of WASHLET RW Picture: casaceramica

Is the wand jet still hygienic when multiple people use the toilet?


There’s no need to worry – we take cleanliness very seriously at TOTO. Our standard is for WASHLET® to always be as clean as before its very first use. How can we make sure this actually happens? We use a series of unique technologies that ensure the greatest possible hygiene. The wand jet is automatically cleaned inside and out before and after each use, as well as every eight hours when not used, with EWATER+.


Developed by TOTO, EWATER+ is electrolysed water that keeps bacteria from thriving, ensuring long-lasting cleanliness. Even when WASHLET® isn’t in use, the wand jet cleans itself regularly to ensure outstanding hygiene at all times. The wand jet on TOTO’s original WASHLET® is also positioned above the toilet bowl and behind a protective cover, which keeps it from coming into contact with waste, faeces and dirty flush water. The wand jet is made of a dirt-resistant silicone-based material. It also extends at an ideal angle to keep any faeces from falling onto it. All these technologies and features – especially the regular, thorough cleansing – work together to keep the wand jet clean and hygienic at all times.

wand jet WASHLET

Can kids also use WASHLET?


Absolutely! Children love WASHLET® because they can learn how to use the toilet in a playful way early on. They’ll encounter the topics of cleanliness and personal hygiene without discomfort. Parents have also reported that WASHLET® is extremely helpful for toilet training. Most children over the age of two or so have fun learning how to use the toilet independently. This process also encourages their autonomy and personality development. FYI: You don’t need an extra seat for your child to use WASHLET®.

Young Child sitting on a toilet
A pregnant woman holds her belly

Can I also use WASHLET® after giving birth? What if I have surgery? What about haemorrhoids, prostate problems or intestinal issues?


WASHLET® is especially good for these types of conditions. The Soft Comfort spray or Front wash spray are especially gentle and soothing, even if you have a medical condition affecting the intimate areas.


You can activate both spray types using the remote control. Even though the Front wash is designed for the front intimate area, it’s possible to adjust the position of the wand jet to reach the rear instead. WASHLET® has an integrated flow heater and uses the same quality water that comes out of your faucet. As such, using WASHLET® if you have wounds, skin irritations, your monthly period or following childbirth is absolutely safe – even ideal.

Is WASHLET® a luxury product?

When it comes to comfort and hygiene, I’d say yes. In terms of price, it’s more expensive than a normal toilet. But it delivers far superior hygiene, promotes a cleaner bodily awareness and enhances your personal well-being. We have a variety of WASHLET® models to choose from in different price segments, making this experience accessible to everyone. You’re worth it.

WASHLET RG,RX,RW and SW in front of a white wall.

An article by

Petra Sujatta


