Referenze a livello europeo

I prodotti TOTO - versatili e adatti ai più svariati impieghi - si trovano in hotel, ristoranti, negozi e in molti altri spazi pubblici Lasciatevi ispirare

Hotel Gmachl, Bergheim near Salzburg

Wellness and relaxation just outside Salzburg

Le singole referenze

Hotel ****
Franz Kirchmayr GmbH

The hotel has been family-owned since 1796. The operator is committed to translating this long tradition of hospitality for the present day. This wellness hotel is only 3 km from the city of Salzburg, allowing guests to enjoy everything the city has to offer along with the hotel’s quiet location.


The most recent renovations were focused on the bathrooms. The architect wanted the facilities to accommodate the different habits of the hotel’s international guests and chose the rimless NC toilets to ensure outstanding hygiene.

Category:  Hotel ****
Operator: The Gmachl family
Renovated: 2012
Architect: Franz Kirchmayr GmbH
Rooms and suites:  77
Product: NC wall-hung toilets, item number: CW762Y

Referenze a livello europeo

I prodotti TOTO - versatili e adatti ai più svariati impieghi - si trovano in hotel, ristoranti, negozi e in molti altri spazi pubblici Lasciatevi ispirare
56 Risultati

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