Referenze a livello europeo

I prodotti TOTO - versatili e adatti ai più svariati impieghi - si trovano in hotel, ristoranti, negozi e in molti altri spazi pubblici Lasciatevi ispirare

Hotel 7132, Vals Svizzera

World-renowned architects design the rooms and suites

Le singole referenze

Luxury hotel
Remo Stoffel
87 rooms and 3 suites
Tadao Ando, Kengo Kuma, Peter Zumthor, Stucco Lustro, Thom Mayne
Opened in
1969 (hotel) 1996 (thermal baths)
TCF996WG#NW1 (scaduto)

When Peter Zumthor built the thermal baths in 1996, the small mountain town of Vals became a mecca for architecture enthusiasts. Hotel 7132, named after Vals’ postal code, intends to enhance this reputation even further. Gradual renovations on the hotel started in 2012.


The management chose to work with internationally renowned architects, giving them free hand to design the rooms and suites as they wished. The new rooms and three suites designed by Kengo Kuma were just recently completed. Kuma installed NEOREST WASHLET® AC in the suites, which matched their simple elegance. The Japanese architect was, of course, familiar with the shower toilets and the many advantages they offer. Today, more and more European guests are also learning to appreciate the clean feeling they experience after using WASHLET®.

Category: Luxury hotel
Year built: 1969 (hotel) 1996 (thermal baths)
Renovated: 2012-2016 Architects: Tadao Ando, Kengo Kuma, Peter Zumthor, Stucco Lustro, Thom Mayne
Owner: Remo Stoffel
Rooms: 87 rooms and 3 suites

Referenze a livello europeo

I prodotti TOTO - versatili e adatti ai più svariati impieghi - si trovano in hotel, ristoranti, negozi e in molti altri spazi pubblici Lasciatevi ispirare
56 Risultati

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Con la funzione WASHLET®-Finder potete incontrare un luogo accessibile al pubblico vicino a voi, dove provare il WASHLET®, per sperimentare e apprezzare in prima persona i vantaggi, le funzioni e il design unico nel suo genere del WASHLET®, il vaso con bidet integrato originale che viene dal Giappone.

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