Referenze a livello europeo

I prodotti TOTO - versatili e adatti ai più svariati impieghi - si trovano in hotel, ristoranti, negozi e in molti altri spazi pubblici Lasciatevi ispirare

David Morley Architects

-completed by architect Simone Close

Le singole referenze

Architecture / Office / Sustainable
Studio David Morley Architects
David Morley Architects

TOTO friends and fellow Clerkenwell residents, David Morley Architects, recently completed a bathroom refurbishment project within its own office that focused on achieving high sustainable standards without compromising on quality.


Within the project, David Morley Architects specified the newest sustainable technology - the reAqua unit - a grey water recycling system which reduces water consumption by up to 30%. The specialist unit actively collects and recycles used shower water from the first floor bathroom to flush two TOTO MH wallhung WCs on the ground floor.


Applying a sustainable ethos throughout, the architects have in turn provided an improved lifestyle offering for the entire practice. The installation of the new office shower rooms are designed to encourage people to run/ walk/ cycle to work thus reducing C02 emissions.


TOTO’s eco-efficient offering highlighted in this project includes a dual flushing system to the MH WCs which can be adjusted from 4.5 liters’ or 6 liters’ for a full flush and 3 liters’ for a short flush. Incorporated as standard and unique to TOTO is the powerful TORNADO FLUSH system which applies jets in a whirlpool motion to effectively clean entire surface of the bowl. Also included as standard is the ultra smooth CEFIONTECT glaze which requires fewer chemicals for cleaning, leaving a long-lasting finish that prevents the build-up of bacteria, limescale and waste matter.

Category: Architecture / Office / Sustainable
Owner: David Morley Architects
Year built: Existing office – new bathrooms completed in Spring 2014
Products: MH WC, wallhung CW162Y; MH WC seat with soft close lid VC10047N; Push Plate E00022; Hand shower VH10755N (7.4L/min with 3 bar); NC single lever basin mixer VLB31; MH robe hooks YA10276U; MH paper holder YH10271U; MH toilet brush holder YAB901; MH spare paper holder YH10272U; MH towel bar YT10270U; TECE Frame (The factory setting of TECE frame T9300022 is 6L large flush/3L small flush can be adjusted to 4.8L and 3L by installer/user.)

Referenze a livello europeo

I prodotti TOTO - versatili e adatti ai più svariati impieghi - si trovano in hotel, ristoranti, negozi e in molti altri spazi pubblici Lasciatevi ispirare
5 Risultati

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