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I prodotti TOTO - versatili e adatti ai più svariati impieghi - si trovano in hotel, ristoranti, negozi e in molti altri spazi pubblici Lasciatevi ispirare

Buddha Bar Hotel, Paris

French lifestyle and Asian wellness at Buddha Bar Hotel

Le singole referenze

5-Star Luxury Hotel
Groupe Georges V Entertainment – Raymond Visan
60 rooms
François Wapler/ Tarja et Ilona Visan
Opened in
Giovannoni WASHLET®
TCF892G (scaduto)

Buddha Bar Hotel, owned by George V Entertainment Group, is located in a stunning building in the heart of Faubourg Saint Honoré. Raymond Visan developed the concept for the hotel, and wanted it to be completely unique. It was designed to bring the sensual aspects of Asian wellness traditions to the prestige of the French hotel business.


With 56 spacious rooms, including 19 suites, all in black and yellow gold, the BBH is a luxurious, comfortable oasis with a warm, exclusive atmosphere. The hotel designers decided to install a TOTO WASHLET® in each room and suite. The Giovannoni model from TOTO unites European design with Japanese expertise – yet another way in which Asia meets Europe at this fine hotel. BBH also has a wellness room and a hammam, where guests can relax and rejuvenate their bodies and spirits in line with Asian tradition.The Giovannoni WASHLET® is also found here.

Category: Hotel 5*
Owner Groupe Georges V Entertainment – Raymond Visan
Architect: François Wapler/ Tarja et Ilona Visan
Year of construction: 2013
Rooms: 60 Zimmer
Product: Giovannoni WASHLET, TCF892G

Referenze a livello europeo

I prodotti TOTO - versatili e adatti ai più svariati impieghi - si trovano in hotel, ristoranti, negozi e in molti altri spazi pubblici Lasciatevi ispirare
56 Risultati

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