Life Anew

Things you use every day. Created for a new way of living.

For a new way of living


For over 100 years, TOTO has pursued the path of science and advanced technology to design a world of comfort in the most important spaces in your home.


Beyond mere aesthetics. Beyond simple creature comforts. Our enduring mission – pursued with zeal and not beholden to quaint traditions – is to turn daily rituals into richly satisfying experiences and to make this new way of living available to all.





For a brighter tomorrow


Based on wellness science, the ultimate use of materials, and maximizing the effectiveness of water, TOTO technologies are relentlessly perfected to rejuvenate and replenish. To liberate from stress and unburden the environment. To support good health and sustain longer lives. 


For body and mind in ways that awaken the imagination. To bring to your life every day the promise of tomorrows better lived.