Brand Purpose

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Create an enriched and more comfortable
lifestyle and culture


TOTO STORIES - Introducing a series of various initiatives that embody our brand purpose.

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TOTO’s Sustainable Products

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Achieving Water Saving and Cleanliness


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As We Have Been, As We Will Be

“Providing a healthy and civilized way of life”—This was the vision of our founder, and it has been continuously passed on to each of our employees as the TOTO Group Corporate Philosophy.
This vision has lasted over a century and serves as the center of the TOTO Group’s management and the touchstone for our craftsmanship and sales activities.
We will work to ensure this vision gets passed along to future generations by delivering safe and reliable TOTO-brand products and services to customers around the world. In doing so, we will “create an enriched and more comfortable lifestyle and culture built on our plumbing products.” This is a key facet of the TOTO Group Corporate Philosophy.


For Our Customers and Society

For Our Customers and Society


TOTO Aims to Provide Comfortable and Healthy Lifestyles to All by Contributing to the Realization of a Carbon-Neutral and Sustainable Society.


TOTO’s first president, Kazuchika Okura, wrote a letter to his successor, Saburo Momoki. The words contained in that letter have been treasured by the TOTO Group ever since as the Words of Our Founder. These words express the idea that “kindness must always come first” and state that our goal should be to provide good products and satisfy the customer and, by accomplishing that, profit and compensation will follow.


Kindness and honesty are universal values. The Words of Our Founder asserts that “Many in this world chase after the shadow of profit. Carrying out business under the precedent of TOTO’s uniqueness, kindness, honesty, and customer-oriented nature should enable us to resolve various issues. If we continue to face social issues with honesty and carefully engage in environmental issues, profit will definitely follow. This is something that must not change.


The Company Mottos, TOTO Group Corporate Philosophy, and Charter of TOTO Group Corporate Behavior based on the spirit of the Words of Our Founder represent the inherited values, in other words the “heart,” of TOTO that are shared among employees and will be carried forward into the future. This remains unchanged. However, the way our “body” (business activities) moves will adapt in response to changes in the business environment. The TOTO Group’s strength lies in the fact that the “heart” is firmly rooted as the precondition of each employee’s actions.


We formulated the Shared Value Creation Strategy TOTO WILL2030 (hereinafter, WILL2030) which clarifies the lifestyle, society, and environment we want to achieve from a long-term perspective in April 2021. The TOTO Group will achieve economic growth while helping resolve social and environmental issues by realizing a carbon-neutral and sustainable society in 2050 and aiming to provide comfortable and healthy lifestyles to all. For this reason, the key material issues entire group must thoroughly address to embody our Corporate Philosophy are Cleanliness and Comfort; Wellness, Environment, and Relationships.


In recent years, there have already been various changes to the social environment, including the COVID-19 pandemic, worsening global division, and global warming due to climate change. Our mission is to pass on the global environment in a sustainable manner. I believe that we must expand the area that we engage in and increase the speed of response to these changes to embody our Philosophy. We will also contribute to the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the business activities based on WILL2030.


The TOTO Group’s business activities are made possible thanks to the support and cooperation of all our stakeholders. First, our starting point is that we ourselves must be sincere and thankful in our approach. Our employees will unite in their efforts to open the way for a bright future for our customers and society.

Sign: Noriaki Kiyota
Representative Director


Shared Value Creation Strategy TOTO WILL2030

The TOTO Group formulated the Shared Value Creation Strategy TOTO WILL2030 with a focus on achieving a carbon-neutral and sustainable society by 2050, and aims to realize a sustainable society and achieve clean, comfortable, and healthy lifestyles by 2030.With the important material issues of Cleanliness and Comfort; Wellness, Environment, and Relationships, we are promoting sustainability management, aiming to create an enriched and comfortable future society that has no impact on the global environment and to achieve economic growth. As a result of these efforts, we will contribute to the SDGs through WILL2030.

Image shows the UN logo for Sustainable Development
Card 3: Good Health And Well-Beeing
Card 5: Gender Equality
Card 6: Clean Water And Sanitation
Card 7: Affordable And Clean Energy
Card 8: Decent Work And Economic Growth
industry, innovation and infrastructure
Card 11: Sustainable Cities And Communities
Card 12: Responsible Consumption And Production
Card 13: Climate Action
Card 15: Life On Land
Card 17: Partnerships For The Goals


Sustainable Products That Balance Cleanliness and Comfort; Wellness, and the Environment

Over the last 100 years, TOTO has provided products that bring cleanliness and comfort; Wellness, as well as
eco-friendly products. Under WILL2030, we defined products that realize both of these requirements as sustainable products. By popularizing sustainable products around the world, we will contribute to realizing an enriched and comfortable society that is environmentally friendly.

Cleanliness and comfort/ Health products
DesignUniversal Design

Sustainable Products

Environmental products
Water savingHot water saving
Electricity savingReducing CO2 emissions
Energy saving

Examples of Applicable Products

Housing Equipment
Examples of Applicable Products: Toilets
Electricity saving
Examples of Applicable Products: Bathrooms
Energy saving
Hot water saving
Examples of Applicable Products: WASHLETS
Electricity saving
Bathroom vanity units
Examples of Applicable Products: Vanity
Hot water saving
Modular kitchens
Examples of Applicable Products: Kitchens
Hot water saving
Examples of Applicable Products: Public Toilets
Water saving
Examples of Applicable Products: Public WASHLET
Electricity saving
Auto Flush Valve
Examples of Applicable Products: Public auto flush valve
Water saving
Examples of Applicable Products: Public urinals
Water saving
Auto Faucets
Examples of Applicable Products: Public faucets
Water saving
IoT Support
Examples of Applicable Products: Iot support
Universal Design
Water saving

*Product availability will depend on the regional market

We aim for sustainable products to make up 83% of our product composition.

Sustainable Products are unique to TOTO, balancing cleanliness, comfort; wellness and the environment.
In fiscal 2023, sustainable products made up 75% of our product composition. We aim to achieve 80% by fiscal 2026 and 83% by fiscal 2030

Percentage of sustainable products