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TOTO flushes with TECE

    The German provider of domestic technology systems, TECE, has made a strategic partnership with Japanese sanitary manufacturer, TOTO. The two companies combine several technologies to provide a novelty for European bathrooms – the fully automated WASHLET technology.

    TOTO, the leading manufacturer of sanitary ceramics in Japan and the world market leader for toilet washing systems, developed the wall-mounted NEOREST toilet with integrated WASHLET technology specifically for the European market. The NEOREST toilet is equipped with high-end technology: a lid that opens and closes automatically, an air purifier, a number of different cleaning functions, a heated seat, a drying system, automatic flushing and a remote control. TOTO then sought out a European partnership in order to offer a complete flushing system that would adapt WASHLET technology to European flushing systems.

    President of TOTO Europe GmbH Koji Nakano said: “WASHLETs are demanding technological products with multiple features, so the technology behind the wall needs to be just as advanced. TECE is an innovative partner with advanced production capabilities. They can also support us in terms of European distribution.”

    TECE has 900 employees and a distribution throughout Europe, with TECE products made in five different factories worldwide.

    For TOTO’s high-end NEOREST toilet, TECE developed a concealed flushing tank and ‘TECEprofile Modul’. The prefabricated module is equipped for automatic flushing and is easy to connect through the wall. TECE also offers a ‘TECEprofile Universalmodul’ upgrade kit for the Washlet GL.

    TOTO has sold over 25 million WASHLETs since the product was launched in 1980. CEO of TECE, Thomas Fehlings, said, “Japanese appreciation for perfect hygiene is legendary. We believe that this awareness of physical culture also has a future in Europe.”

    The installation systems for the NEOREST toilet and WASHLET are distributed wholesale by TECE. TOTO Europe GmbH/Düsseldorf distributes both the NEOREST and WASHLET toilets and the flush panel.

    WASHLET and NEOREST are registered trademarks.

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    TOTO Europe GmbH
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    Anja Giersiepen

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